Wynoa Canaletto

A Galgastani who served her clan in battle. Her surname, Canaletto, indicates she was of the people who inhabit the thickly forested region near the headwaters of the Theron river. The nomadic Canaletto are known for their peaceful nature, and it is rare for them to take part in warfare. However, those who tire of the old ways of the tribe have been known to leave, and Wynoa may have simply grown restless.

Assigned to lead a relief party, she was treating High Commander Gatialo when she encounterd Denam Pavel and was killed.


Wynoa makes only one appearance, in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. In Chapter 2 Law, Wynoa along with High Commander Gatialo took refuge upon Tynemouth Hill after the Battle of the Psonji Weald. Wynoa had hoped to avoid running into resistance forces, but was discovered by Denam Pavel. She and her fellow Arkhiatros attempted to hold the line and buy time for Commander Gatilo to escape back to Coritanae. She sacrificed her life for Gatialo, believing him to be a true hero of her nation.

In the Chaos path her fate is left unknown.


Wynoa Canaletto - Level 9 Cleric
Sprite Equipment
Magus Robe
Leather Gloves
Ring of Vitality
Skill Rank
Thrown Rank 1
Divine Magic N/A
Augment Light Rank 3
Sidestep I N/A
Channeling I N/A
Resist Silence Rank 3+1
Field Alchemy II Light
Spell Type
Exorcism Light
Silent Light Light
Awaken Light
Innervate Light
Singng Light Light
Awaken Stone Light
Cleanse Light
Heal Light
Major Heal Light


'I had hoped to avoid the attention of the Resistance and the battle that must follow. Alas...'

[To the armored knight]

'High Commander, we'll assay to hold them here. Withdraw to Psonji.'

Knight Commander: A Galgastani commander turn his back upon the enemy? Never!

'No, m'lord Gatialo. You cannot throw away your life here. Galgastan needs you alive. Return to our holdings at Coritanae, there to reform our lines.'

Gatialo: You are but a band of Arkhaitros. They'll crush you!

'We are prepared to die. We have always been so. Besides, you're in no condition to fight. You wouldn't reopen wounds so freshly so closed and ruin our work, would you?'

Gatialo: Than I shall taks especial care not to die.

[To Denam's troops]

'Let down your guard at your own peril, Walister! We are proud warrios of Galgastan, and we will fight to the last!'

- If Gatialo Escapes -

'Now, to buy m'lord as much time as we can.'

- Upon Death -

'My hands have healed many. Now... they rest.'

- If Gatialo Dies First -

'No... a true hero of Galgastan has died today. Walister devils! I will visit the pain in my heart upon you sevenfold!'

- If Wynoa Dies First -

'So it ends, commander... Run. Live... Avenge us!'