Orba Brondel

Orba Brondel (彩雲の , Saiun no Oruba, Orba of Opalescent Clouds) is a non-playable character in the Tactics Ogre games. He is the third enemy leader faced in all versions. His name was localized as Oruba in the orignal North American Playstation release.


In Chapter 1, after freeing Duke Ronwey, Denam travels to Tynemouth Hill and encounters Orba and his company who were originally dispatched to reinforce the Galgastani garrison at Almorica. He appearently heard rumors of Almorica's fall, and upon encountering Denam at Tynemouth, confirmed the truth of them.

Warren Report

A Galgastani who served his clan in battle. He was the son of renowned architect Selba Brondel. Selba created many famed buildings, such as Heilingham Palace, also known as the Hanging Gardens. Orba taught at the Coritanae Acadmey of Arts while painting numerous works in his spare time. One of these, named "Opalescent Clouds," was presented to the late King Dorgalua, and now hangs in Heim Castle.

Orba was a major proponent of the nationalism espoused by Heirophant Balbatos, and he volunteered to take up arms soon afte rwar broke out.

He encountered Resistance forces at Tynemouth while en route to Almorica, and was slain by Denam Pavel.


Tactics Ogre

Orba - Level 4 Wizard
Sprite Equipment
Ceder Staff
Leather Hat
Spell Type
Fire Burn Fire

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

Orba - Level 2 Wizard
Sprite Equipment
Sibyl's Staff
Leather Gloves
Skill Rank
Fire Magic N/A
Dark Magic N/A
Spell Type
Sparksphere Fire
Word of Pain Dark
Paralytic Wave Dark

Tactics Ogre: Reborn

Orba - Level 4 Wizard
Sprite Equipment
Sibyl's Staff
Leather Gloves
Linen Slops
Cudgels Level 4
Meditate I
Spell Type
Sparksphere Fire
Paralytic Wave Dark
Magic Leaf


'Walister rebels? Here? Then Almorica has fallen for true. Reinforcements for their kin we have pinned down in Krysaro, I reckon. We can't let them pass. Make peace with the Light, Walister swine! Today you die!'

- Upon Death -

'No place to die, this...'