
A Galgastani who led a band of pirates that plagued the Obero Sea. He was born in one of the poorer quarters of Port Asyton, and spent his youth serving in a local tavern. There he became acquainted with the notorious pirate Lontera, and later joined his crew. When Lontera was executed by the Valerian army, Darza took the helm in his stead.

His wife Veldrei was born to nobility, but became a pirate after Darza raided the vessel on which she had taken passage near Boed Fortress. Veldrei stayed ashore to watch over their den at Ndamsa Fortress after learning she carried Darza's child.


Darza appears in the the second chapter of both in the Law and Chaotic paths of Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together's story. He and his band of pirates are found in Qadriga Fortress in both cases. In the Law path, Darza had captured the mercenary Xapan Illudas whom the Galgastani had a bounty out for. Darza planed to collect. However, Denam arrived just in time to save Xapan and killed Darza.

In the Chaotic path, Denam, having joined up with Sir Folcurt of the Liberation Front, agreed to attack Darza and his pirates at Qadriga in order to rescue Sir Folcurt's comrades who were being held hostage by the pirate. Darza's crew attempted to kill Denam and Sir Folcurt but failed, with Darza dying in the battle.


Darza - Level 9 Berserker
Sprite Equipment
Heavy Axe
Chain Leggings
Skill Rank
Axes Rank 2
Anatomy Rank 1
Counterattack I N/A
Truestrike I N/A
Berserk N/A
Resist Stun Rank 2


Chapter 2 Law

'Who are you?! You got no business with us! Ahhh, come to steal my prize, is it can't be lettin' you do that. 5,000 goth on this one's head, and I'm keen to collect! There's knifework to be done, lads. Gut 'em!'

- Upon Death -

'A pirate's death... for me'

Chapter 2 Chaos

'Should've stayed well away if you knew what's good for you. You'll need more men that that break what storm and sea have made strong.'

Sir Folcurt: Bayin, are you all right? Steady on, I'm coming!

The Magus Bayin: Why are you returned, Folcurt? Ought to have left me for dead.

'Good idead, that. Waste the old fool! But spare the women, lads. They'll fetch a tasty price!'

- Upon Death -

'Veldrei won't be best pleased...'